Nouvelles technologies de mesure

Nouvelles technologies de mesure

L'équipe mène des recherches pour développer, améliorer et valider des technologies de mesure en rivière innovantes voire alternatives, pour accompagner et favoriser leur utilisation opérationnelle, notamment :

  • les profileurs hydro-acoustiques (ADCP) pour le jaugeage et le suivi en continu des débit : Le Coz et al., 2008a, 2008b
  • la vélocimétrie et débitmétrie par analyse de vidéos : Jodeau et al., 2008, Le Coz et al., 2010, 2016, Dramais et al., 2011, Le Boursicaud et al., 2016, Khalid et al., 2019, Bodart et al., 2022, 2024
  • les vélocimètres radar portables (SVR) : Welber et al. (2016)
  • les instruments de jaugeage low-cost/low-tech comme les règles à jauger : Le Coz et al. (soumis)
  • l'inversion acoustique et les systèmes à rétrodiffusion acoustique monofréquence (ADCP) et multifréquence (ABS) pour mesurer les concentrations de particules fines et de sable en suspension dans les cours d'eau : Moore et al. (2012, 2013), Vergne et al. (2020, 2021, 2023), Marggraf et al. (soumis)
  • les pièges à particules pour le suivi intégratif des contaminants dans les cours d'eau : Masson et al. (2018)




Bodart, G., Le Coz, J., Jodeau, M., Hauet, A. (2022) Synthetic river flow videos for evaluating image-based velocimetry methods, Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR032251.

Bodart, G., Le Coz, J., Hauet, A., Jodeau, J. (2024) Quantifying and reducing the operator effect in LSPIV velocity and discharge measurements, Water Resources Research, 60, e2023WR034740.

Dramais, G., Le Coz, J., Camenen, B., Hauet, A. (2011) Advantages of a mobile LSPIV method for measuring flood discharges and improving stage-discharge curves, Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 5, 301-312

Khalid, M., Pénard, L., Mémin, E. (2019) Optical flow for image-based river velocity estimation, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 65, pp. 110–121

Jodeau, M., Hauet, A., Paquier, A., Le Coz, J., Dramais, G. (2008) Application and evaluation of LS-PIV technique for the monitoring of river surface velocities in high flow conditions, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 19(2), 117-127

Le Boursicaud, R., Pénard, L., Hauet, A., Le Coz, J. (2016) Gauging extreme floods on YouTube: Application of LSPIV to home movies for the post-event determination of stream discharges, Hydrological Processes, 30, 90-105

Le Coz, J., Pierrefeu, G., Saysset,G., Brochot, J.F., Marchand, P. (2008a) Mesures hydrologiques par profileurs Doppler ADCP [Hydrological measurements with ADCP Doppler profilers], Eds. Quae, 164 p.

Le Coz, J., G. Pierrefeu, and A. Paquier (2008a) Evaluation of river discharges monitored by a fixed side-looking Doppler profiler, Water Resources Research, 44, W00D09

Le Coz, J., Hauet, A., Pierrefeu, G., Dramais, G., Camenen, B. (2010) Performance of image-based velocimetry (LSPIV) applied to flash-flood discharge measurements in Mediterranean rivers, Journal of Hydrology, 394 (1-2), 42-52

Le Coz J., Patalano A., Collins D., Guillén N. F., García C. M., Smart G. M., Bind J., Chiaverini A., Le Boursicaud R., Dramais G., Braud I. (2016) Crowdsourced data for flood hydrology: feedback from recent citizen science projects in Argentina, France and New Zealand, Journal of Hydrology, 541, 766-777

Le Coz, J., Pernot, F., Buffet, A., Lagouy, M., Berni, C. (submitted) The streamgauging ruler: a low-cost, low-tech, alternative discharge measurement technique, Journal of Hydrology

Marggraf, J., Le Coz, J., Camenen, B., Lauters, F., Dramais, G., Pierrefeu, G., Topping, D.J. (soumis) Improving hydroacoustic methods for monitoring suspended-sand flux and grain-size in sediment-laden rivers, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

Masson, M., Angot, H., Le Bescond, C., Launay, M., Dabrin, A., Miège, C., Le Coz, J., Coquery, M. (2018) Sampling of suspended particulate matter using particle traps in the Rhône River: Relevance and representativeness for the monitoring of contaminants, Science of the Total Environment, 637-638, 538-549

Moore, S.A., Le Coz, J., Hurther, D., Paquier, A. (2013) Using multi-frequency attenuation to monitor grain size and concentration of suspended sediment in rivers, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133 (4), 1959–1970

Moore, S.A., Le Coz, J., Hurther, D., Paquier, A. (2012) - On the Application of Horizontal ADCPs to Suspended Sediment Transport Surveys in Rivers, Continental Shelf Research, 46, 50-63

Vergne, A., Le Coz, J., Berni, C., Pierrefeu, G. (2020) Using a down-looking multi-frequency ABS for measuring suspended sediments in rivers, Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR024877

Vergne, A., Berni, C., Le Coz, J., Tencé, F. (2021) Acoustic backscatter and attenuation due to river fine sediments: experimental evaluation of models and inversion methods, Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR029589

Vergne, A., Le Coz, J., Berni, C. (2023) Some backscatter modelling issues complicating the sonar-based monitoring of suspended sediments in rivers, Water Resources Research, 59, 2022WR032341.

Welber, M., Le Coz, J., Laronne, J.B., Zolezzi, G., Zamler, D., Dramais, G., Hauet, A., Salvaro, M. (2016) Field assessment of non-contact stream gauging using portable surface velocity radars (SVR), Water Resources Research, 52, 1108–1126