


Deng, J, Hernandez, D., Liégeois, J., Bonnefoy, A. & Camenen, B. (2025), "Field measurements of clogging",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1

Proust, S; Nikora, V I., 2025, "Dataset of a laboratory study on flows in a compound open channel with transverse currents",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1


Cérino, B; Zampiron, A; Proust, S; Berni, C; Nikora, V, 2024, "Velocity spectra and transverse velocity profiles for LSM and VLSM existence in presence of KHCS",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1

Fagour, C; Mignot, E; Proust, S, 2024, "Dataset of a laboratory experiment on the pollutant transport in a flooded street network under steady flow regime",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1

Suivi hydrologique des lônes de la basse vallée de l'Ain. Dramais, G; Le Coz, J; Thollet, F; Madigou, C, 2024, "Suivi hydrologique des lônes de la basse vallée de l'Ain",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1

Suivi hydrométrique par mesure vidéo sur le bassin versant de l'Ardèche. Dramais, G; Le Coz, J; Buffet, A; Le Boursicaud, R; Gallavardin, A; Rambeau, C; Benmamar, D; Hauet, A, 2024, "Suivi hydrométrique par mesure vidéo sur le bassin versant de l'Ardèche",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1

Observatoire des Sédiments du Rhône. Thollet, F; Le Bescond, C; Lagouy, M; Gruat, A; Grisot, G; Le Coz, J; Coquery, M; Lepage, H; Gairoard, S; Gattacceca, J C; Ambrosi, JP; Radakovitch, O; Dur, G; Richard, L; Giner, F.; Eyrolle, F; Angot, H; Mourier, D.; Bonnefoy, A; Dugué, V; Launay, M; Troudet, L; Labille, J; Kieffer, L, 2024, "Observatoire des Sédiments du Rhône",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1

Suivi du transport sédimentaire sur les rivières Arvan, Arc et Isère. Thollet, F; Camenen, B; Le Coz, J; Némery, J; Rousseau, C, 2024, "Suivi du transport sédimentaire sur les rivières Arvan, Arc et Isère",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1

Hydroacoustic amplitude and velocity data. Marggraf, J; Le Coz, J; Camenen, B; Lauters, F; Dramais, G; Pierrefeu, G; Topping, D, 2024, "Hydroacoustic amplitude and velocity data",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1


Proust, S, 2023, "Dataset of an experiment and simulations of unsteady flows in a compound open channel",, Recherche Data Gouv, V2, UNF:6:hBm/WuZ34CBBrYzNFjsmpA== [fileUNF]

Mejía-Morales, M A; Mignot, E; Paquier, A; Proust, S, 2023, "Data set of a laboratory experiment on the impact of the conveyance porosity of an urban block on the flood risk assessment",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1

Suspended sediment measurements in the Isère River at Grenoble Campus. Marggraf, J; Camenen, B; Le Coz, J; Dramais, G; Lauters, F; Pierrefeu, G, 2023, "Suspended sediment measurements in the Isère River at Grenoble Campus",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1

Data set of solid gaugings in several rivers. Laible, J; Dramais, G; Camenen, B; Le Coz, J; Topping, D J.; Santini, W; Pierrefeu, G, 2023, "Data set of solid gaugings in several rivers",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1

Data used for the research paper Laible et al. (2023). Laible, J; Camenen, B; Le Coz, J; Pierrefeu, G; Mourier, B; Lauters, F; Dramais, G, 2023, "Data used for the research paper Laible et al. (2023)",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1


Proust, S; Berni, C; Nikora, V, 2022, "Dataset of a laboratory experiment on shallow mixing layers over smooth bed in a tilted open channel",, Recherche Data Gouv, V2

Mejía-Morales, M A; Mignot, E; Paquier, A; Proust, S, 2022, "Dataset of a laboratory experiment on the effect of the storage capacity of a city block on unsteady urban floodwaters",, Recherche Data Gouv, V1