Jérôme Le Coz

Jérôme Le Coz


Jérôme Le Coz
Scientist (Chief Engineer of Bridges, Water and Forests), HDR
Hydraulics and morphodynamics of rivers, Hydrometry, Metrology
Telephone: +33 (0)4 72 20 87 86
n° ORCID: 0000-0003-1243-6955


Research topics

  • Hydrometry: new technologies and uncertainty analysis for measuring streamflow
  • Water, sediment and contaminant flows in rivers and streams
  • Hydroacoustic measurement of suspended sediment in rivers
  • River hydraulics and morphodynamics: 1D/2D numerical modelling

Free software release

  • Fudaa-LSPIV: measuring surface flow velocities and discharge from videos
  • BaRatinAGE: estimating rating curves and streamflow time series, with uncertainties

Major projects

  • Hydrometry actions (Flood forecasting Schapi-INRAE annual cooperation, since 2008) on the uncertainty analysis of streamflow measurements and data and the improvement of operational hydrometric practices
  • Rhône Sediment Observatory – OSR (Plan Rhône/FEDER, 2009-2020) on the dynamics of sediments and associated contaminants in the Rhône, from Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean Sea. Development of a network of hydro-sedimentary stations and a 1D hydro-sedimentary model of the Rhône from Lake Geneva to the sea.
  • WMO expert panel (since 2008) “Evaluation of the performance of flow measurement instruments and techniques”. IAHS representative
  • ARCO (ANR, 2024-2027) "Supporting underwater rescue operations in rivers" including the prediction of the drift of a human body in an open-channel flow.
  • ContinuumMES (RMC Water Agency, 2020-2023): evaluation of long-term scenarios by integrated hydro-sedimentary modelling of the Rhone catchment – Rhône River – Gulf of Lion land-sea continuum. Collaboration with Ifremer Brest (Romaric Verney) in particular.
  • Deposition and Erosion of fine sediment in Alpine Rivers – DEAR (ANR, 2019-2022) on the dynamics of fine sediment and gravel bars in alpine rivers.
  • FloodScale / HyMEX (ANR, 2012-2015) on the observation and modelling of flash floods in Mediterranean regions on a series of spatial scales ranging from hillside to regional catchment.
  • AWATERE (2015-2016): a one-year scientific stay at NIWA, Christchurch, New Zealand, to work with Graeme Smart, Hilary McMillan and others on alternative river gauging technologies and analysis of uncertainty in flow records in rivers with unstable riverbeds. Related to the PHC Dumont d’Urville project (2015-2016).
  • Redynamisation of the Old-Rhine (InterReg FR-DE, 2008-2012): evaluation of the feasibility, risks and effectiveness of artificial sediment input using 1D and 2D modelling (cf. PhD of C. Béraud).
  • Bilateral PHC projects: PHC Stefanik (2008-2009, 2012-2013) with VUVH (Bratislava, Slovakia) on morphological changes in large developed rivers, PHC Sakura (2008-2009) with DPRI (Kyoto University, Japan), PHC Dumont d’Urville (2015-2016) with NIWA (Christchurch, NZ).
  • Mekong (2012, 2013) and Amazon (2014) field campaigns to estimate total solid transport (graded haulage and suspension), in particular using hydro-acoustic measures. Collaboration on the Mekong with Cerege, MRC and CNR, on the Amazon with IRD, Manaus University and HyBAM Observatory.
  • MESURE (ANR ASTRID Maturation, 2017-2020): development of measurement and modelling methods for the hydro-acoustic quantification of suspended solids.


Professional training
  • Annual training course on the measurement of regulatory flows for OFB (ex-Onema) agents in charge of Water Police operations (since 2010, 5 days)
  • Annual training course “Gauging using ADCP, expert” for national hydrological services (IFORE, 2007-2013, 3 days)
  • Annual training course “Uncertainties in Hydrology – Application to Hydrometry and Predetermination” (IFORE, since 2017, 4 days)
  • Speaker at the international training course (3 days) on streamgauging organized by IAHR/IAHS/WMO (Andong-Korea 2013, Hanoi-Vietnam 2014, Queenstown-NZ 2016, Lyon-France 2018, Cotonou-Benin 2021, Dakar-Senegal 2023, Liverpool-UK 2024

Supervised PhD students

  • Etienne Dureuil (2022-2025), Characterisation of mixing in variable-density flows, Université de Lyon, co-supervisor: Emmanuel Mignot and Nicolas Rivière (INSA Lyon), Patrick Boyer (IRSN), Louis Gostiaux (CNRS)
  • Jessica Laible (2020-2024), Improving methods for the hydroacoustic monitoring of suspended sand concentration and grain size: Application to the Isère River at Grenoble Campus, Université de Lyon, co-supervisor: Benoît Camenen (INRAE)
  • Guillaume Bodart (2020-2023), Evaluation and improvement of image-based surface velocimetry methods, Université de Grenoble, co-supervisors: Magali Jodeau (EDF R&D), Alexandre Hauet (NVE/EDF-DTG)
  • Mathieu Lucas (2019-2023), How to make the most of old data for flood frequency analysis: application to the River Rhône at Beaucaire from 1500 to 2020, Université de Lyon, co-supervisors: Michel Lang (INRAE) and Benjamin Renard (INRAE)
  • Nicolas Noclin (2019-2024), Role of hydraulic forcing on fluvial secondary channel sedimentary environment: A sedimentological and numerical approach applied to the Rhône River, Université de Lyon, co-supervisors: Thierry Winiarski and Brice Mourier (ENTPE)
  • Lorris Gond (2018-2021), Study of transverse mixing in non-uniform open-channel flows, Université de Lyon, co-supervisors: Emmanuel Mignot and Nicolas Rivière (INSA Lyon), Lylia Kateb (CEA)
  • Matteo Darienzo (2017-2021), Detection and estimation of stage-discharge rating shifts for retrospective and real-time streamflow quantification, Université de Grenoble, co-supervisors: Benjamin Renard (INRAE), Michel Lang (INRAE)
  • Guillaume Dramais (2016-2020), Observation and modelling of sand uxes in large rivers, Université de Lyon, co-supervisor: Benoît Camenen (INRAE)
  • Sébastien Pouchoulin (2016-2019), Water mixing downstream of a confluence – Improving the modelling of contaminant fluxes in streams and sewage networks, Université de Lyon, co-supervisors: Nicolas Rivière and Emmanuel Mignot (INSA Lyon)
  • Adrien Vergne (2015-2018), Acoustic measurement of suspended sediments in rivers, Université de Grenoble, co-supervisors: Céline Berni (INRAE)
  • Valentin Mansanarez (2013-2016), Non unique stage-discharge relations: Bayesian analysis of complex rating curves and their uncertainties, Université de Grenoble, co-supervisors: Benjamin Renard (INRAE), Michel Lang (INRAE)
  • Marina Launay (2010-2013), Particulate contaminant fluxes in a large, artificialized river: dynamics of the PCB and mercury transported by suspended solids in the French Rhône river, Université de Lyon, co-supervisor: Marina Coquery (INRAE)
  • Claire Béraud (2009-2012), Numerical modelling of sediment feeding impacts in engineered rivers. The case of the Old Rhine, between Kembs and Breisach, Université de Lyon, co-supervisors: Benoît Camenen (INRAE), André Paquier (INRAE)
  • Stephanie A. Moore (2008-2011), Monitoring flow and fluxes of suspended sediment in rivers using sidelooking acoustic Doppler current profilers, Université de Grenoble, co-supervisors: David Hurther (LEGI), André Paquier (INRAE)

Bodies and Committees

  • Bureau of the Groupe Doppler Hydrométrie (since 2005), French-speaking technical group in hydrometry, Hydrometry Section of the Société Hydrotechnique de France (SHF)
  • Member of the national standardization commission “Hydrometry” (AFNOR X10C, since 2014), ISO TC 113, CEN TC 318
  • President of the International Committee of the International Training Course on Streamgauging (IAHR/IAHS/WMO, since 2019)
  • Member of the International Scientific Committee of the River Experiment Center in Andong (KICT, Korea, since 2019)
  • Conference Organizing Committees: SHF Hydrometry (2013, 2017, 2021), IAHR RiverFlow 2018, EGU Hydrometry session (2015-2020)

Publications (See the list)