SSM dynamics

SSM dynamics

Scientific issue

In direct connection with developments in hydrometry, the team has set up a hydro-sedimentary measurement network in some of its study sites (Rhône, Arc-Isère). The objective here is to better understand SSM fluxes as a function of hydrology, but also to estimate the exchanges with the bed (mainly over banks, margins) along a river.

Scientific questions

  • Continuous measurements of the SSM concentrations and fluxes as well as associated pollutants, measurement uncertainties
  • Understanding of possible exchange at the interface water/bed, 1D and  2D numerical modelling

Methodology and results

  • A great deal of work was carried out to collect continuous data based on the calibration of turbidity measurements using samples. A special effort was made on the impact of grain size on this calibration (Thollet et al., 2013). Methods for calculating fluxes, including the fluxes of contaminants associated with SSM, have also been proposed. These measurements allow us to analyse flood events by combining them with a 1D hydro-sedimentary model. All the data acquired is made available via the BDOH database;  links to our two main field sites:
Example of calibration curve for the turbidimeter on the River Arvan at St-Jean-de-Maurienne (Thollet et al., 2013)
Example SSM concentration time-series during the flush of river dams in the s=downstream part of the River Isère in May 2015 (Camenen et al., 2018)






  • In parallel, we are working on the numerical modelling of SSM  with a particular attention to exchanges with the riverbed (1D hydro-sedimentary modelling: AdisTS)
  • The monitoring of fine material deposits on gravel bars was also studied in situ using image analysis (Camenen et al., 2013)
Example of fine deposit analyses using histogram of pixels from a measurement window


  • 2019-2022: ANR DEAR project (Deposit and Erosion of fines sediments in Alpine Rivers)
  • 2011-2023: Rhône Sediment Observatory (OSR2: 2011-2013, OSR4: 2015-2017, OSR5: 2018-2020, OSR6: 2021-2023)


  • OSR collaborators: CNR, Team LAMA from Inrae Lyon, ENTPE
  • COllaborators from the Arc-Isère site (ZABR): IGE team Hydrimz, EDF CIH et EDF LNHE
  • Inrae Grenoble, team Strim

PhD thesis and postdotoral fellows:

  • 2019-2022 : Deng J. Dynamique des sédiments fins dans les systèmes de bancs de galets alternés d’une rivière de montagne aménagée. Université C. Bernard, Lyon 1.
  • 2012-2015 : Guertault L. Évaluation des processus hydro-sédimentaires d’une retenue de forme allongée : application à la retenue de Génissiat sur le Haut-Rhône. Université C. Bernard, Lyon 1. 240 p.
  • 2010-2014: Launay M. Flux de matières en suspension, de mercure et de PCB particulaires dans le Rhône, du Léman à la Méditerranée. Ecole doctorale de Chimie, Université de Lyon 1.
  • 2010-2013 : Antoine G. Dynamique des matériaux en suspension (MES) le long de rivières aménagées : l’Arc en Maurienne et l’Isère. Ecole doctorale Terre Univers et Environnement, Université Grenoble. 286 p.


  • Thollet, F., Rousseau, C., Camenen B., Boubkraoui S., Branger, F., Lauters, F. & Némery J. (2021). Long term high frequency sediment observatory in an alpine catchment (Arc-Isère Rivers, French Alps). Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.14044
  • Launay, M., Dugué, V., Faure, J.-B., Coquery, M., Camenen, B. & Le Coz J. (2020). Numerical modelling of the suspended particulate matter dynamics in a regulated river network, Science of the Total Environment, 665:591-605.
  • Antoine, G., Camenen, B., Jodeau, M., Némery, J. & Esteves M. (2020). Downstream erosion and deposition dynamics of fine suspended sediments due to dam flushing. J. Hydrology. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124763
  • Guertault, L., Camenen B., Peteuil, C., & Paquier, A. (2018). A one-dimensional process-based approach to study reservoir sediment dynamics during management operations. Earth Surface Processes & Landforms, 43(2): 373-386.
  • Camenen B., Jodeau M. & Jaballah M. (2013). Estimate of fine sediment deposit dynamics over a gravel bar using photography analysis. Int. J. of Sediment Res. 28(2): 220-233.
  • Thollet F., Le Coz J., Antoine G., François P. , Saguintaah L., Launay M. & Camenen B. (2013). Influence de la granulométrie des particules sur la mesure par turbidimétrie des flux de matières en suspension dans les cours d’eau, La Houille Blanche, 4:50-56.
  • Antoine G., Jodeau M., Camenen B., Esteves M., Nemery J. & Lauters F. (2013). Estimation des flux de matières en suspension lors des chasses hydrauliques de l’Arc de 2006 à 2011. La Houille Blanche, 4:43-49.